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At the end of the last blog, we had made some progress in removing the coffee cup stain from the image, but we needed to do more.

20150815 output 5

Adaptive thresholding has started to separate the writing from the stain, but it has also created a speckled pattern within the stains. We need to engineer a feature that can tell apart a stroke of writing from a speckled local maxima i.e. distinguish a ridge from a peak in the 3D surface.


In image processing, we do this via edge detection, which is the process of calculating the slope of the 3D surface of the image, and retaining lines where the slope is high. There are several different standard algorithms to do edge detection, and today we will use the canny edge detector.

The biOps package, which has an implementation of the canny edge detector, has been removed from CRAN. It has been migrated to Google Code. You will need to follow the installation instructions that can be found here. For example, since I am using Windows 64, I mostly followed the following instructions from the web site:

Windows 64 bit

    1. Note: we dropped jpeg and tiff IO functions.
    2. Download (go to the DLL’s page then download the raw file) libfftw3-3.dll, libfftw3f-f.dll, libfftw3l-3.dll, and zlib1.dll to C:\Program Files\R\R-3.x.x\bin\x64 (x.x needs to be edited) or somewhere present in the PATH variables. Make sure that the downloaded dll files are MB in file size.
    3. Download biOps_0.2.2.zip (go to the DLL’s page then download the raw file). Make sure that the file size is around 700KB.
    4. Run 64 bit R.
    5. Choose biOps_0.2.2.zip from Packages>Install package(s)…
    6. Load the library.
> library(biOps)

However for step E) I used the following R code:

install.packages("C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.3/bin/biOps_0.2.2.zip")

That’s because I had downloaded biOps_0.2.2.zip into the C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.3/bin folder. You should substitute the folder path that you downloaded the zip file into.

Update!!!: Google has switched off Google Code. But I have found the dlls inside an archive that you can download from here. Warning: the download is large (613.91MB).

Now we can start to experiment with edge detection. Note that biOps images have pixel brightnesses from 0 to 255 rather than from 0 to 1. So we have to rescale whenever we switch packages.

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(png, raster, biOps)

# read in the coffee cup stain image
img = readPNG("C:\\Users\\Colin\\dropbox\\Kaggle\\Denoising Dirty Documents\\data\\train\\3.png")

# convert the image to a biOps image
img.biOps = imagedata(img * 255)

# canny edge detection
img.canny = imgCanny(img.biOps, 0.7)

20150822 output 1

One of the things I like about this particular edge detection algorithm is that it has automatically thresholded the edges so that we are only left with the strong edges. So here are my observations about the behaviour of the edges:

  • they surround the writing
  • they surround the stains
  • there are few edges within a stain, so a lack of edges in a region may be a useful feature for removing the speckles within a stain
  • writing has a pair of parallel edges around each stroke, while the boundary of the stain has only a single edge, so the presence of a pair of edges may be a useful feature for separating stains from writing

To take advantage of these observations we shall use image morphology. Dilation is the process of making a line or blog thicker by expanding its boundary by one pixel. Erosion is the opposite, removing a 1 pixel thick layer from the boundary of an object. If we dilate the edges, then the pair of edges around the writing will expand to include the writing inside, and the edge of the stain will also expand.

# do some morphology on the edges to fill the gaps between them
mat <- matrix (0, 3, 3)
mask <- imagedata (mat, "grey", 3, 3)
img.dilation = imgBinaryDilation(img.canny, mask)

20150822 output 3

The writing is all black, whereas most of the stain is white. This will probably be a useful feature for removing the coffee cup stain. But we can do more: now that we have dilated the edges, we can erode them to remove where we started with single edges.

20150822 output 2

This looks pretty good – all of the writing is black, but only a small part of the stain remains. the stain has a thin line, while the writing has thick lines. So we can erode once, then dilate once, and the thin lines will disappear.

# do some morphology to remove the stain lines
mat <- matrix (0, 3, 3)
mask <- imagedata (mat, "grey", 3, 3)
img.dilation = imgBinaryDilation(img.canny, mask)
img.erosion = imgBinaryErosion(img.dilation, mask)
img.erosion.2 = imgBinaryErosion(img.erosion, mask)
img.dilation.2 = imgBinaryDilation(img.erosion.2, mask)
img.dilation.3 = imgBinaryDilation(img.dilation.2, mask)

20150822 output 4

The stain is now almost completely removed! But unfortunately some of the writing has been removed too. So it is an imperfect feature for removing the coffee cup stain.

Let’s put it all together with the existing features that we have developed over the past few blogs, by adding canny edges and the dilated / eroded edges to the gradient boosted model:

# libraries
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(png, raster, data.table, gbm, foreach, doSNOW, biOps)

if (!require("EBImage"))

# a function to do k-means thresholding
kmeansThreshold = function(img)
# fit 3 clusters
v = img2vec(img)
km.mod = kmeans(v, 3)
# allow for the random ordering of the clusters
oc = order(km.mod$centers)
# the higher threshold is the halfway point between the top of the middle cluster and the bottom of the highest cluster
hiThresh = 0.5 * (max(v[km.mod$cluster == oc[2]]) + min(v[km.mod$cluster == oc[3]]))

# using upper threshold
imgHi = v
imgHi[imgHi <= hiThresh] = 0
imgHi[imgHi > hiThresh] = 1

return (imgHi)

# a function that applies adaptive thresholding
adaptiveThresholding = function(img)
img.eb <- Image(t(img))
img.thresholded.3 = thresh(img.eb, 3, 3)
img.thresholded.5 = thresh(img.eb, 5, 5)
img.thresholded.7 = thresh(img.eb, 7, 7)
img.thresholded.9 = thresh(img.eb, 9, 9)
img.thresholded.11 = thresh(img.eb, 11, 11)
img.kmThresh = kmeansThreshold(img)

# combine the adaptive thresholding
ttt.1 = cbind(img2vec(Image2Mat(img.thresholded.3)), img2vec(Image2Mat(img.thresholded.5)), img2vec(Image2Mat(img.thresholded.7)), img2vec(Image2Mat(img.thresholded.9)), img2vec(Image2Mat(img.thresholded.11)), img2vec(kmeansThreshold(img)))
ttt.2 = apply(ttt.1, 1, max)
ttt.3 = matrix(ttt.2, nrow(img), ncol(img))
return (ttt.3)

# a function to turn a matrix image into a vector
img2vec = function(img)
return (matrix(img, nrow(img) * ncol(img), 1))

# a function to convert an Image into a matrix
Image2Mat = function(Img)
m1 = t(matrix(Img, nrow(Img), ncol(Img)))

# a function to do canny edge detector
cannyEdges = function(img)
img.biOps = imagedata(img * 255)
img.canny = imgCanny(img.biOps, 0.7)
return (matrix(img.canny / 255, nrow(img), ncol(img)))

# a function combining canny edge detector with morphology
cannyDilated1 = function(img)
img.biOps = imagedata(img * 255)
img.canny = imgCanny(img.biOps, 0.7)
# do some morphology on the edges to fill the gaps between them
mat <- matrix (0, 3, 3)
mask <- imagedata (mat, "grey", 3, 3)
img.dilation = imgBinaryDilation(img.canny, mask)
img.erosion = imgBinaryErosion(img.dilation, mask)
return(matrix(img.erosion / 255, nrow(img), ncol(img)))

# a function combining canny edge detector with morphology
cannyDilated2 = function(img)
img.biOps = imagedata(img * 255)
img.canny = imgCanny(img.biOps, 0.7)
# do some morphology on the edges to fill the gaps between them
mat <- matrix (0, 3, 3)
mask <- imagedata (mat, "grey", 3, 3)
img.dilation = imgBinaryDilation(img.canny, mask)
img.erosion = imgBinaryErosion(img.dilation, mask)
img.erosion.2 = imgBinaryErosion(img.erosion, mask)
img.dilation.2 = imgBinaryDilation(img.erosion.2, mask)
return(matrix(img.dilation.2 / 255, nrow(img), ncol(img)))

dirtyFolder = "C:\\Users\\Colin\\dropbox\\Kaggle\\Denoising Dirty Documents\\data\\train"
cleanFolder = "C:\\Users\\Colin\\dropbox\\Kaggle\\Denoising Dirty Documents\\data\\train_cleaned"
outFolder = "C:\\Users\\Colin\\dropbox\\Kaggle\\Denoising Dirty Documents\\data\\train_predicted"

outPath = file.path(outFolder, "trainingdata.csv")
filenames = list.files(dirtyFolder)
for (f in filenames)
imgX = readPNG(file.path(dirtyFolder, f))
imgY = readPNG(file.path(cleanFolder, f))

# turn the images into vectors
x = matrix(imgX, nrow(imgX) * ncol(imgX), 1)
y = matrix(imgY, nrow(imgY) * ncol(imgY), 1)

# threshold the image
x2 = kmeansThreshold(imgX)

# adaptive thresholding
x3 = img2vec(adaptiveThresholding(imgX))

# canny edge detector and related features
x4 = img2vec(cannyEdges(imgX))
x5 = img2vec(cannyDilated1(imgX))
x6 = img2vec(cannyDilated2(imgX))

dat = data.table(cbind(y, x, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6))
setnames(dat,c("y", "raw", "thresholded", "adaptive", "canny", "cannyDilated1", "cannyDilated2"))
write.table(dat, file=outPath, append=(f != filenames[1]), sep=",", row.names=FALSE, col.names=(f == filenames[1]), quote=FALSE)

# read in the full data table
dat = read.csv(outPath)

# fit a model to a subset of the data
rows = sample(nrow(dat), 1000000)
gbm.mod = gbm(y ~ raw + thresholded + adaptive + canny + cannyDilated1 + cannyDilated2, data = dat[rows,], n.trees = 10000, train.fraction = 0.5, interaction.depth = 5)
best.iter <- gbm.perf(gbm.mod)

s = summary(gbm.mod)

# get the predictions - using parallel processing to save time
numCores = 6 #change the 6 to your number of CPU cores. or maybe lower due to RAM limits
cl = makeCluster(numCores)
num_splits = numCores
split_testing = sort(rank(1:nrow(dat))%%numCores)
yHat = foreach(i=unique(split_testing),.combine=c,.packages=c("gbm")) %dopar% {
as.numeric(predict(gbm.mod, newdata=dat[split_testing==i,], n.trees = best.iter))
yHat[yHat < 0] = 0
yHat[yHat > 1] = 1
# what score do we get on the training data?
rmse = sqrt(mean( (yHat - dat$y) ^ 2 ))
print(rmse) # 4.1%

# show the predicted result for a sample image
img = readPNG("C:\\Users\\Colin\\dropbox\\Kaggle\\Denoising Dirty Documents\\data\\train\\3.png")
x = data.table(matrix(img, nrow(img) * ncol(img), 1), kmeansThreshold(img), img2vec(adaptiveThresholding(img)), img2vec(cannyEdges(img)), img2vec(cannyDilated1(img)), img2vec(cannyDilated2(img)))
setnames(x, c("raw", "thresholded", "adaptive", "canny", "cannyDilated1", "cannyDilated2"))
yHatImg = predict(gbm.mod, newdata=x, n.trees = best.iter)
yHatImg[yHatImg < 0] = 0
yHatImg[yHatImg > 1] = 1
imgOut = matrix(yHatImg, nrow(img), ncol(img))
writePNG(imgOut, "C:\\Users\\Colin\\dropbox\\Kaggle\\Denoising Dirty Documents\\data\\sample.png")

20150822 output 5

The first dilation operation that we tried in this blog is the most powerful predictor that we developed today, even more powerful than the adaptive thresholding that we used in the last blog. We have improved the RMSE score on the training set from 5.4% to 4.1%

20150822 sample

The model doesn’t completely remove the coffee cup stain, but it has faded the stain enough that we have a good chance at removing it later. In the next blog in this series, we will do more to clean up the coffee cup stain.